Wishmere Wiki

Classes are the style of gameplay suited to a character that can be attributed to the combination of their moveset (Abilities, Super Arts) and their Rating. Each character belongs to a class, which classify their default playstyle, strengths and weaknesses.

Overview[ | ]

In Wishmere, each character belongs to a class. As each class is attributed to a combination of their moveset (Abilities, Super Arts) and their Rating, the character class serves as a label of how the character might best clear a stage. Each class fulfils a different role and purpose in the game, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. These classes suggest a particular play style / strategy that the character best excels at, however it does not mean that that class MUST be played that way. However, not adhering to their ratings, moveset and class could lead to added difficulty in successfully clearing stages / enemies.

In addition to Skill Upgrades, a player can tilt the initial build of a character's class and could possibly shift the character's advantages and disadvantages. In co-op play, classes play a big part in team dynamics; as working in a cohesive team fills the gaps of their character's disadvantage.

Fighter[ | ]

A Fighter is the most well balanced of the four classes. Fighters are specifically close ranged melee combatants, and fight their battles face-to-face with an opponent.

A Fighter is at their best when they are in the thick of battle, as their meaty attacks encompass many opponents and they tend to dominate their opponents. Together with their propensity for hard knockdown attacks. a Fighter can clear crowds very easily, and can assist their teammates by knocking down opponents in a large wave, allowing for repositioning. Fighters also have a great capability for long combos, as they have several tools that can extend their combos, further enforcing their dominance over non-boss enemies.

However, since Fighters are a pure close ranged class and require time to deal damage, they are constantly at risk of being targeted. Range is an issue for a Fighter, because they lack any long ranged melee attacks and projectiles which allow other classes space. Due to Fighters excelling at long combos, puts them at risk of staying too long in a crowd. This gives Fighters a tougher time against stage Bosses, as their long combos do not put the Boss into hit stun and require time for them to pull their damage off. Fighters also tend to have weaker DPS (damage per second), though hit-for-hit, they are able to make up the starting weak damage due to their long combos.

Example of a Fighter is: Earle.

Sharpshooter[ | ]

A Sharpshooter is a specialist at far ranged projectile attacks, launching projectiles at unsuspecting opponents. While being a master of far ranged attacks, this does not mean that they cannot lunge into close ranged combat.

Sharpshooters are specialized at picking off opponents from a distance. They are able to control the space of battle while standing far away, inflicting damage without any risk. Sharpshooters are great at stopping hordes of enemies from approaching teammates that are near-death and also great at saving teammates about to be attacked, all while standing from a distance, making them excellent team players. Sharpshooters also tend to have good mobility, giving them the ability to easily find the best place to begin their attacks.

A Sharpshooters' far range attacks are their advantage and also their weakness. Though they can controls space, the damage of their far range projectiles is low and their DPS suffers due to this. Because of being unable to combo their far ranged Abilities from a distance, a Sharpshooter's ranged advantage earns them no comboability from afar. And though they are able to fight from a closed distance with their Normal Attacks, their moveset with their Abilities plays no part in close combat situations. In addition, Sharpshooters also required preparation time to set up their projectiles and cooldown time to their Abilities, making them slow to participate in battle and require a lot of strategizing beforehand.

Example of a Sharpshooter is: Dove.

Slasher[ | ]

Slashers are high-risk high-reward class of characters. They have a variety of offensive ways to damage an opponent, usually using mid-range to their advantage.

Slashers deal a very high amount of damage to an opponent, especially in short bursts. Along with their high DPS, they do not have to be at close range to attack an enemy, making them great at hopping between the several crowds of enemies and inflicting damage without getting truly involved in the fray. The usually possess a good variety of offensive tools through either their Normal Attacks or Abilities, making them great at various situations. Their offensive versatility, high DPS and mid ranged attacks make them excellent at slaying boss enemies; if they can continue to stay out of the Boss' sights.

Though Slashers are offensive juggernauts, they suffer when they are surrounded in a crowd. Slashers tend to have to weak Radial attacks (not to be confused with the horizontal range of their attacks) and are very focused on singular enemies. Because they are highly offence oriented, a Slashers' moveset possesses very limited defensive options. Due to these factors, Slashers have to be careful where they are standing at all times. Slashers also do not possess long combos, forcing them to hit-and-run with their maximum damage combo in a few seconds, then immediately go on the defensive.

Examples of a Slasher are: Safford and Pandy.

Support[ | ]

The Support class is the defensive class of Wishmere. They have several defensive tools and thus, have a very unique approach to offence. In co-op play, a Support is the gel of the team.

Supports possess a highly defensive moveset that keep them (or their teammates) protected from attacks. Their defensive Abilities serve as a very strong tool for enemy disruption. Though not particularly damaging, their Abilities can stun enemies, split crowds, counter enemy attacks or keep dangerous opponents locked down. When played well, a Support can manipulate their unknowing opponents into submission by shutting them down completely. In co-op play, the Support can serve as a last line of defence for a damaged teammate, using their disruption to keep their teammates protected.

A Support's disadvantage comes in the form of their very low damage output / DPS. Their set of Abilities are defensive based and thus a Support may need to capitalize on a successful defensive strategy to create an opening to deal damage. Due to their low damage and their unusual moveset (when applied to offensive strategies), Supports need to be patient when maneuvering around the battlefield and think outside the box when attacking enemies. A Support's weaker Normal Attacks, inability to easily handle crowds and deal damage makes the Support a class with high learning curve in order to play well.

Example of a Support is: Spritz.
